Thursday, May 24, 2012

Last day of cleaning

and boy am I ready for it to be over! This inspection isn't for cleanliness, but it has been incentive for my children to get busy on the stuff they have put off way too long (just as I have).

I am glad it is winding down, so that I only have to do 15 minutes a day, as opposed to hours a day. If I were a stay at home mom I would probably go insane, because I would have TOO clean of a house. I know that sounds crazy to some of you, but I prefer a little clutter in my life. Just reminds me that I am human.

Tomorrow is the inspection, and it's going to go smoothly. There should be no problems, and no issues, so Daddy-o will get to come home when the welding class is done! *crosses fingers* Now you guys cross yours too!

I hope your spring cleaning has gone, or will go, as smoothly, and with as little effort as possible. Take the time to enjoy the fact you have been busy, with work, cleaning, or whatever, and enjoy yourself for a bit. It won't hurt, too bad!

Have a great day!

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