Thursday, April 12, 2012

"K" is for...

keeper. As in, "this one is a keeper." I know I brag about Girl and Little Man (hey, I'm a proud parent) and my children are keepers, but I want to talk about you being a keeper.

I wonder if we take the time in ourselves to be the kind of person/friend/parent that others could say "this one is a keeper" about us.

My children behave in public (for the most part), have good manners (in general), are very loved, make it to school everyday that they are not ill, are clean, and are fed. I have been told repeatedly that I am doing a fantastic job with raising my children, so I don't doubt I am a keeper parent.

I frequently find myself helping one of my friends (M) make it to the store, usually because either her husband can't seem to find the time to help her out in getting her license or even just bothering to drive her. M tries to buy me at least a Dr Pepper for doing this (good bribe!), and most of the time it isn't a problem to help out. Somedays I forget and agree to help when I am spreading myself too thin, but it works out. M has also paid gas money, for which I am thankful. I don't do this because of the Dr P bribe or the gas money, but because she has a genuine need for assistance.
My friend A never asks me for more than I can handle, always gives more than I need, and I don't feel icky when I have to tell her "no" for some reason because she is also a single parent and knows how life gets in the way. I also love the fact that we can share our problems with each other and it is never more about one of us, or "one-up" time for problems. I appreciate A's sense of humor, laughing, and surprising ways, and I know she appreciates my quirky ways. I feel that these 2 examples alone show that I am a keeper of a friend, although, it does sound a bit like bragging, and nice people don't do that, so maybe I'm not such a keeper of a person. *grin*

I feel that (for the most part) I do unto others as they do unto me, and treat others as I wish to be treated. I try hard not to be a problem for anyone else, or a burden on society. I attempt to keep myself out of the gossip groups by not doing things which could be grist for the mill. I go to work every day that I am required to, unless I am sick, or one of my children is sick. I pay my bills (mostly on time - hey, I'm a blonde and have reached that magical age to boot), take care of my pet, keep my yard nice(ish), and try to be a nice neighbor.

So, am I a keeper of a person? I sure hope so, because I have many in my life. Thank you all for being "keepers"!!!!!!

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