Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I think today the topic will be Differences.

I love the fact there are differences in the world. It reminds me of a line from the much-maligned "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves." The line is spoken by Morgan Freeman to a little girl who had asked him if God painted him. He said, "God loves rich and wondrous variety." Does that not just speak to you?

I love looking around and seeing different houses, different yards, different people. I love the different flowers blooming, the different games the children play in the summer, the different attitudes during the year. I enjoy the variety in my life. I enjoy my different life.

I have had the best conversations with people who are very different from me, and have learned so much. I have seen the simplest things bring the most diverse people together. Differences make for new ideas, new points of view. Walter Lippman's quote comes to mind here: "Where all think alike, no one thinks very much."

The further thought occurs that I have noticed some who take offense when I make a valid point/argument to something that has been stated by the person. This seems to make clear that the other person wants me to only think the way that person thinks. I don't like that idea. I have my opinions (right or wrong) and so does that person. I may not agree with that person 100%, but the person should be allowed their own opinion. Shouldn't I be allowed to have my own opinions?

I know that seems a bit hypocritical of me when I argue with students about education being important, but students haven't had enough life experience to understand the consequences of choosing to discontinue education. I find it strange that many of today's youth see education as an unnecessary evil, while a mere 2 decades ago, education was highly valued. Truly a confusing change in beliefs.

Anyway, today we should celebrate our differences! Notice someone very different from yourself, and acknowledge that those differences make that person special. Notice the variety in your own life, and appreciate it!

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