Monday, March 26, 2012

Yeah, It's Me

This weekend was an interesting one. I spent most of it in pain, with a lopsided chipmunk motif going on. My allergies turned into a sinus infection, which in turn drained into my teeth. This hasn't happened since my son was a toddler. Needless to say, my left cheek was swollen enough so that it actually caused Girl to point and laugh at me. I also had to remove the bridge I wear, and ended up talking with a lisp, and making all kinds of interesting sounds when I spoke (no practice at being toothless for the last nearly 10 years).

I did locate some non-completed antibiotics of mine, which I started on Saturday. Today I went to the doctor to get more. She was very understanding. Apparently the allergies are on high this season with the dry (no snow in Wyoming in winter??????) weather we have had. I will be getting the prescription this afternoon.  Yay!! The antibiotics are working, by the way. The swelling is down to a small lump on my cheek. 

This brings me to a post on another blog I read, Courage 2 Create. Because of my past experiences as a toothless hag (trust me, it was while I tended bar), I am very self-conscious of my mouth. I STILL (ten years later) cover my mouth when I laugh. Today, walking into the building, I became self-conscious of my lumpy cheek. Then I read the post on Courage 2 Create. 

His post, very simplified, was about a recent experience he had with discrimination. He had asked another blogger if he could guest post on her blog. She refused, because he is an openly gay man.



In this day and age? 

I am just so flabbergasted at her gall, although at least she was honest AND bothered to reply to him. 

I understand everyone is entitled to their beliefs/feelings/perspectives on some things, but in all honesty, I have never understood discrimination of a whole group of people. I have had bad experiences with other races, and even with homosexual folks. I don't judge a whole group of people based on my experiences with one or two of their particular what-have-you. I realize that I am probably best taken with a grain of salt considering my best friend is a gay man (Love you Jim and Jesse!) who happens to be my children's god-parent.

I am also shocked that in today's much more informed society, that discrimination still happens with the younger/young-ish folks. I realize a lot of parroting of parents' opinions is happening, and I am sure that bad experiences tend to sour folks on groups of people. However, social media (including television) has been exploring anti-discrimination methods for a few years now. (total sarcasm on the last 4 words, btw.)

I have seen a number of commercials about using the phrase "that's so gay" and have used the method described in the commercials to point out to my students how inappropriate that phrase is. I also have taken the time to explain that inanimate objects are not capable of emotions, so cannot be happy or have a sexual orientation. (Go figure *shrug*) I also have seen the efforts of the NOH8 group on Facebook.

The point is, I realize that sometimes I come across as a gruff old biddy, but I'm really a soft fluffy teddy bear. Until you mess with my children, or my family, or my friends, or my beliefs/rights, or family and friends' beliefs/rights. So, as Ollin of Courage 2 Create suggests, I am letting you all know that I will be providing a non-discrimination statement for viewers of my blog. Should be ready to go in the next few days. Until then, go out and make the world a more soft and fuzzy place for others, okay? Much peace and love to you, my readers!

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