Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bad Days - I has 'em

Obviously. Everyone seems to have them. It's okay. Maybe I could take inspiration from those days that seem to drag forever, or I feel bitter towards every chirpy happy face I see. I could use these inspirations to work on the story I've been holding on the back burner too long, or start a new one. The new story could inspire me to work on that back burner story. OR I could get inspired to write an article for the local paper for a change. (I hear there's money in that too!)
Somedays it just doesn't pay to chew through the leather straps, but then again, I could take the time to turn those bad days into positive moments. Eventually my day did turn out better, and of course, this involved my great children.
Girl, who is a teenager, made me laugh so hard I nearly puked, really. She has such a great sense of humor, and her laugh is infectious. She just makes my day in little ways, and I have been realizing she needs to hear that more often. Girl learned new vocab in Spanish class and was so eager to study it (WTH???) that I had to take her back to the school to get her notebook.
Little Man, who is not even 10, has a brain the size of Jupiter, and the imagination to go with it. Sometimes I wonder where his ideas come from (left field, anyone?) He has to do a dress-up speech on a person of interest. His person is Jim Henson. Can you imagine how thrilled I was? I mean, Dude created Yoda! And his Dark Crystal and Labryrinth work! Wow. So, Little Man wrote his speech and practiced it, and then Mom nearly dropped the ball. I spaced out the costume part. Time to race to Masie's house (she is a grocery store, cafe, and costume supply store all in one). After I arrive, I realized I had crocheted a beard and mustache thing for a beanie. Duh Mom. His speech is today, and I am eager to hear how he thinks he did.
See, bad day turned great, and I was inspired to actually add to the blog. YAY!!

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