it is a struggle, and I have muscles I didn't know I had, now that they are screaming at me in agony. Thank goodness for hot showers and Ben Gay!
I am sure that some one would say to me that I let it get this way, and by gosh, you are right. And in order to miss out on this particular pleasure again, I am determined not to let it get this way again. I know when Daddy-o comes home, this will be highly unlikely, because he IS the anal retentive person who cleans like no other. (Thank goodness, although it can be quite annoying for someone like me.) He has been really great about leaving me my space, to be as disorganized as I want, and he hasn't messed with it before, so here's to hoping this stays the same. It would only be my computer desk, and I go through bouts of "jeez this has to go." and "holy cow, this is a mess" with the desk, so, he should be okay with it - I hope.
I have learned that it is becoming easier for me to be less of a pack rat/hoarder/whatever you call it, although I come by it honestly. My maternal grandmother was, and my mother is, a pack rat. But sometimes this is a great quality, like for food staples, and when I need something desperately for my children's activities, or my cooking. Thanks Mama-san!
I have found things that I haven't used in 4 years (mostly because I haven't seen them in that long) and I realize that I don't need to keep them. I have also found things that I am super glad I kept - like pictures of my childhood, and my daughter as a toddler. She picked out two of those pictures for the senior slide show (and she's only going to be a sophomore!). She also found out she is her mother's daughter, thanks to one particular picture of her looking at the camera like "get out of my face!" which is so my look when a camera comes out!
This cleaning has given my daughter and I a chance to bond again. And Little Man has learned he's a super helper for the family. He also learned a new skill - laundry. He realized he can reach to the bottom of the washer, and has been a laundry-running fool. What a great pair of kids!
So, I recommend that you go through that box you wonder about in your garage, attic, storage space, what-have-you. Enjoy the memories that come back to you, and share them with someone, if possible. Have a wonderful Wednesday!
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