How often do you find yourself being nice to others, and forgetting yourself and your needs? I'm not saying to stop being nice to others, but how can you continue to help others when you are struggling with keeping yourself together?
For example, I know this single mother of two who had been having a hard time keeping her house up because she was working two full time jobs, and the kids weren't old enough (or responsible enough) to help her out. The house became a total wreck, and she dreaded even going into it after work. And then DFS was called. Thankfully the agent listened to her story and worked with her. That wake up call was what she needed. The income from the 2nd job wasn't worth losing her children over. She cut her hours back and spent more time with the kids, and had time for housework too.
Yep, sometimes it takes some hard whacks upside the head for us to realize we are not doing ourselves any favors.
So, how about today we try a random act of kindness on ourselves? Take fifteen minutes and just sit still. Ask your family to give you that time and just breathe. Enjoy the serenity of the quiet and solitude of being just you (not mom, not wife, not daughter, not sister, but just you). And then, that few moments will add up to a rejuvenated you. Sure, you go right back into the fray, but you can do it. See if you can't get that time every day. Your family may even realize that it keeps mommy from losing her mind.
Have a fantastic solitude!
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