Ahhh, the last day of the challenge, and the last day of the month! This has made the month truly seem to fly by! I have struggled a bit through the month, between getting posts up on the right days, and taking the time to check out other blogs, but all in all I feel pretty darn accomplished. Yay me, and yay readers for sticking with me!
Of course, I am going to pick a word for today that is rampant in the world....zombie. According to the 1977 edition of Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary that is in my possession, this is the definition:
zombie (also zombi) n [of Niger-Congo origin; akin to Kongo nzambi god] 1. usu zombi a: the voodoo snake deity b: the supernatural power that according to voodoo belief may enter into and reanimate a dead body c: a will-less and speechless human in the West Indies capable only of automatic movement who is held to have died and been reanimated but often believed to have been drugged into a catalepsy for the hours of interment 2 a: a person held to resemble the so-called walking dead; esp AUTOMATON b: a person markedly strange in appearance or behavior 3: a mixed drink made of several kinds of rum, liqueur, and fruit juice
Well, certainly seems to cover it. I don't know about any of you, but Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead are two zombie movies that I absolutely love! They have great tips for dealing with the zombie-ocalypse that is supposedly going to occur, and still make for funny movies.
Someone pointed out to me that the influx of zombie movies is helping us to prepare for the "armageddon" period of this history. Guess it's a good thing I have a couple of survivalists nearby to help me get sorted. I am NOT making light of survivalists who, like my neighbors, have a desire to know how to survive in certain situations, and their knowledge is very important.
Anyway, I hope we all survive the zombie-ocalypse, and see each other on the other side of December as well!!
Tomorrow is May Day, and this brings a new contest to us!
I've read your month of letters and found them the be funny, interesting, insightful.
You constantly amaze me.
Thank you muchly Madrissima! Love you!
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