Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I don't know about you, but I love jokes. All kinds of jokes. Almost any type will make me laugh. I even like some of the jokes that make me roll my eyes and are known as groaners.

My grandfather loves to tell me jokes. My friend "A" loves to tell me jokes and she giggles great! My son tries to tell jokes, but his unexpected dry wit is the best. Girl rocks at her very English sense of humor, and her really great way of telling stories.

My students can tell stories and jokes very well, and sometimes that few minutes of laughter makes working on the subject a bit easier.

I love to laugh, and appreciate all kinds of jokes. Feel free to comment with one of your favorite jokes, although warn the readers if it is NSFW or kids.

I leave you with this one:

A mother was walking with her four year old daughter one day when the daughter picked up something off the ground and started to put it in her mouth. The mother stopped her and told her she shouldn't do that.

"Why," asked the little girl (Mom's favorite phrase!).

"Because it's dirty. It's been on the ground. You don't know where it's been. It probably has germs."

The little girl looked up at her mom with admiration and asked,"How do you know so much?"

Thinking quickly, the mother said, "All moms know so much. We have to. It's on the Mommy Test. If you don't know it, you don't get to be a mommy."

The little girl pondered this for a few minutes, then her face brightened. "I get it! If you don't pass the test, you get to be a daddy!"

"Yep," said the mom.

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