Monday, April 16, 2012


My cursor was blinking at me as I stared at the screen. What topic for this letter? I thought as I watched the cursor blink. There are too many choices for this letter, and all are quite touchy subjects.

Militant - oh yeah, don't get me started on militant right wing Moral Majority folks. I would lose my few readers quickly. I don't like my morality legislated. Just a thing. Militant homophobes? Please - who are they to judge?

Marriage - an institution. I am not fond of being in an institution. I am not a sheeple.

Misfit - Hey! That's a topic I can get behind. That is me, although I am apparently less of one these days. I like being different from others. I struggled with this in high school, a time when everyone struggles with identity, but I love being me now. I love that I don't fit into someone's mold of what a 40 year old single mom of 2 should act like, and I love that I surprise people when they learn details about me.

Mothers - Ah, another topic I can get behind. Mothers are amazing creatures. Carrying (or adopting), raising, loving, being responsible for and acting responsible towards, a child are such wonderful traits of being a mother. That moment when a child hugs you just because they want to is one of the most precious and bad-feeling reducing actions. As a single parent, I have enjoyed the time I get to spend with my children, and guard it well. I do little that would trade making memories with my children. Even half an hour playing the Wii with my children (or often watching them play) is so relaxing and produces joy in my soul. I relish my children's presence (usually when they have been absent) although I do claim annoyance at the way they are helicopter-like when I am playing some games on my computer at home.

So, have I covered "M" today? Please, comment and let me know what you feel about my topics.

Remember, I am looking to have a comment contest, with prizes and stuff!

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