Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Boy

So, last night I dragged my 9 year old son to another girls-only thing because my 15 year old daughter and I need to be girly together. Go figure. I know my son is going to either need tons of therapy or his mom's gay best friend to counsel him after dealing with not only his mother and sister, but his grandmother and ALL of the sorority sisters for the last year (and many to come). Now my boy is a hugger, just a little snuggle bunny. And I've enjoyed seeing how he makes my friends' eyes light up with his need to squeeze. And he is a helper by nature. So of course, anything that needed to be done last night he volunteered to help with.
I am so glad I raised my son this way, but it was hard for me to see the hostess's daughter want to be a hostess and do what needed to be done as my son just proceeded to help the daughter out of hostess duties. I asked my son to sit and let the little girl do her thing, and he did. For about 2 minutes. He couldn't stop himself. He just HAD to help.
Thank goodness another gal had brought her daughters with her, who are closer to the little wanna-be hostess girl's age. So they eyeballed the jewelry, and my son decided I needed this piece, and that piece, and that one looks like a Masie (grandma for those not in the know) piece, and this one looked cool too.
Wow, talk about raising a consumer! Thankfully, I was able to rein the daughter in to pick two pieces she liked, and I found one I liked, and of course one of her pieces I liked too. Poor kid has to share that one with me.
And while all that decision making on pieces was going on, my son discovered an AT-AT (Star Wars ORIGINAL trilogy, tyvm!) made of Legos! And from that moment, the hostess who had put the AT-AT together herself, was his newest hero (and mine too, because I am a Nerd). That thing moved! And she had also made a Tie-fighter (looked like Vader's too).
So my son got the best of both worlds, Nerd-dom and pretty jewelry for Mom and Sissy Monster to drool over. Man, am I a lucky mama or what?

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